Organized in 2007, Chicago Housing Initiative (CHI) is a low-income housing coalition made up of eight community organizations whose mission is to preserve, improve and expand low-rent housing options, promote community stabilization, and advance racial and economic inclusion and equity.
Thinkinc. was retained by the Chicago Housing Initiative (CHI) to bring attention to issues related to the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) as well as public and affordable housing in general. Specifically, Thinkinc. developed an effective media strategy aimed at preserving public housing and strengthening opposition to the continued privatization of Chicago’s public land and public housing. Working with CHI coalition members, Thinkinc garnered significant media attention in response to the Chicago Housing Authority’s Proposed FY2014 Moving To Work Annual Plan.
CHI held a press conference to issue a list of revisions to the 2014 MTW Plan at CHA’s Public Comment Hearing. The CHI coalition analysis of the plan cited concerns of a lack of public accountability from the CHA which has led to unchecked diversions of resources away from their intended use for housing low-income families. The press statement kicked off a CHI campaign calling for reform of the CHA and revisions to the 2014 MTW Plan which continues a negative trajectory of slashing housing options for low-income Chicagoans, with a disproportionate affect on black people.
“It was great to work with Laurie and we’re extremely pleased with the work she did with us, and the enduring outcomes and media access from it… I wish we had the resources in hand to continue the arrangement indefinitely. On a personal note, I’m grateful to have had the chance to watch her work— I learned a lot just from being able to observe how she thinks & builds and manages relationships…. She’s an astute observer and knows what is and isn’t an opportunity, and how to seize opportunities. It was a great learning experience for me personally to be able to watch her in action.”
Leah Levinger, Director
Chicago Housing Initiative
(View Program Page | Download Media Kit)
- Fox32 (WFLD-TV) Chicago | September 11, 2013: Thousands of low-income families erased from CHA’s waiting list
- WGN-TV | September 13, 2013: CHI interview with Brandon Campbell
- CBS Local (Ch. 2) | September 26, 2013: Former Ickes Homes Residents Want Replacement Housing Built
- Chicago Magazine | September 18, 2013: Why the CHA Dropped 47,000 Names From Its Waiting List
- Chicago Tribune | September 19, 2013: The Wait to Return
- Curbed Chicago | September 12, 2013: Public Housing Watch
- DNAInfo | September 12, 2013: CHA Boss: We’ll look into a Way to Reinstate Some Purged from CHA Wait List
- Progress Illinois | September 12, 2013: Public Housing Activists: CHA’s Plan To Purge 47,000 People From Wait List ‘Unacceptable’
- DNAInfo | September 26, 2013: Former Residents of CHA’s Ickes Homes Demand to Return
Progress Illinois | September 26, 2013: Former Ickes Residents Urge CHA To Provide Replacement Housing: ‘We Just Want To Come Home’
- WBEZ-FM Radio | September 12, 2013: Shannon Heffernan on CHA Waiting List
- WBEZ-FM Radio | September 17, 2013: CHA Slows Down Mixed Income Housing
- WBEZ-FM Radio | September 26, 2013: Former Ickes residents want their community redeveloped