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Reclaim Chicago

  /    /  Reclaim Chicago

A joint political action organization, supported by National Nurses United and The People’s Lobby, Reclaim Chicago is a people-led movement devoted to reclaiming city, county and state governments from the grip of corporate interests and the very wealthy. Reclaim Chicago’s goals are to reduce corporate power in government as the means for ensuring justice, promoting equality and improving the lives of all people.


February/March 2016 – Thinkinc. was retained to quickly raise the profile of this joint venture organization, effort, promote the candidates from the top of the ticket with Bernie Sanders to local races. Thinkinc. provided strategic communications including traditional and social media relations for Reclaim’s 2016 Illinois primary election campaign. With a quick turn around we created and populated the Reclaim Chicago Facebook page and Twitter account. And, redesigned the content of the website with current information and interviews with key testimonials from endorsed elected officials including Kim Foxx who won her race for State’s Attorney, Illinois State Representative Will Guzzardi and Chicago City Councilman Carlos Rosa, both of whom were re-elected.

We developed a strategy to raise the group’s profile with political reporters through an endorsement release, Bernie Bus media event outside of City Hall and the State of Illinois building in downtown Chicago and a GOTV event the weekend prior to the election featuring Kim Foxx. However, the biggest coup was the National Nurse’s Union garnering the public endorsement of John Legend for Kim Foxx on his Twitter feed/Facebook page the Sunday prior to the Tuesday election. We developed a social media buy that was instrumental to getting the word out. Over 27,000 Facebook likes and more on Twitter it simply went viral.