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Presidential Action Brings Relief from Deportation to Millions of Families

Immigrant Leaders Salute President & Gear Up For Hard Work Ahead

U.S. – The members of the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC) have worked tirelessly, in collaboration with many others, to press for a halt to the deportations and detentions that rip apart immigrant families. We called upon the President to take action, to see the faces of immigrant children and families and break through the partisan bickering. Today, he listened. His action could provide relief to millions of families, families who will no longer have to live in daily fear of deportation.

“This important step forward could never have happened without the incredible grassroots effort on the part of students, parents, people of faith, professionals, and activists who have come together and showed the nation the terrible human cost of our broken immigration policy,” said Claudia Lucero, President of NALACC.

“Although many families will benefit, many more will not,” added Lucero. “We are particularly disappointed at the exclusion of parents of young immigrants who benefited earlier from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. We had hoped the President would be responsive to the need for family unification in those cases,” added Lucero. “Our members are ready to start tomorrow, bringing together information and services with community organizing to enable those who may benefit from the relief measures, as well as those who may not, to struggle together for the changes in U.S. immigration law that immigrant communities deserve, and the nation needs,” she concluded.

“We know that the road ahead is a long one, but as an immigrant-led network, we will walk that road with our communities,” said Oscar Chacón, NALACC’s Executive Director.  “We will identify short, medium, and long-term steps toward migration policies that integrate immigrants as partners, rather than treating them like criminals. We will push back on misguided militarization of our southern border in the name of security. As a transnational organization, we will continue to press for policies that address the root causes of migration, and protect human rights along the full migration pathway,” added Chacón.


NALACC is a network of community-based; Latino and Caribbean immigrant-led organizations in the US that seeks to raise the quality of life for immigrant communities in the United States, as well as communities in migrant-sending countries in Latin America. Over the years, NALACC has built close working relationships with key civil society organizations throughout Latin America. For more information go to website