Thought-Provoking ‘Between Two Worlds’ Virtual Event Shows Thinkinc.’s International Reach & Expertise
In January 2024, the panel discussion “Between Two Worlds” brought together American and French journalists to delve into the surprising facts and explosive consequences arising from the racial profiling of Black drivers.
The event also brought together the two worlds of Thinkinc. CEO Laurie Glenn, whose team worked with their client the Investigative Project on Race and Equity (IPRE) to design and implement an international program. Laurie’s relationships with journalists in the U.S. and with French social justice organization Le Next Level in her part-time home of Paris led to a powerful virtual discussion that attracted more than 300 RSVPs.
Planning began in 2023 after Chicago-based IPRE made its debut by publishing uncomfortable analyses in partnership with WBEZ-FM of Illinois traffic-stop data: Over the past 20 years, police in the state pulled over a much higher share of Black drivers than other drivers. As the series of investigations appeared on WBEZ-FM, the Chicago Sun-Times, its sister organization and other news outlets, Laurie came up with the idea to draw even more attention to IPRE’s work. Over this past summer it became clear there was a clear connection between racial profiling of Illinois’ drivers and the racially charged protests that gripped Paris in summer 2023. Tensions there boiled over after a French-born youth of Algerian and Moroccan descent was fatally shot by a police officer at a traffic stop in a Paris suburb. Seeing that connection led to the design of a panel discussion between American and French journalists on racial profiling by police.
Thinkinc. introduced the veteran team of reporters and editors at IPRE to Le Next Level, a France-based nonprofit dedicated to the fight for equity. Le Next Level’s relationships with French journalists provided knowledgeable voices to speak at the panel that was quickly taking shape.
To broaden interest, Thinkinc. encouraged event sponsors IPRE and Le Next Level to bring in cosponsors. Their synergy increased the audience for this timely and noteworthy discussion panel.
Everything clicked, and on Jan. 24, the event went off without a glitch, thanks to Thinkinc.’s thorough planning, international relationships and virtual event organizing by Signature Vibez.
A recording is available for viewing.
“Between Two Worlds” is an example of the intense interest in data-based storytelling that impacts societies beyond national borders. Conversations such as “Between Two Worlds” can and should have policy ramifications that lead to change.
Thinkinc. is grateful to support IPRE on the releasing of their investigative series on racial profiling by police in Illinois. Without the work of IPRE and WBEZ-FM, “Between Two Worlds” could not have happened.
Cosponsors included: